2016年4月19日 星期二


德國接管荷蘭陸軍 Germany Is Taking Over the Dutch Army https://goo.gl/hdZBRo 《費城號角報》 2016年4月14日 荷蘭軍的大部份部隊在一項萬眾期待、於全歐陸推動的過程裡併到德國陸軍之內。荷軍 三個戰鬥旅中即有兩旅正式展開了加入德國聯邦國防軍的程序。 Huge portions of the Dutch military are being merged with the German Army, a process that many want to see rolled out across the whole Continent. Two of the Netherland’s three combat brigades have officially begun the process of joining the Bundeswehr. 2014年時,荷軍第11空中機動旅交由德方指揮,而第43機械化旅也在3月17日正式成為 德軍第1裝甲師所屬部隊。現在荷蘭陸軍麾下自有的部隊僅剩第13機械化旅、特戰部隊 、支援部隊和陸軍總部參謀人員。 The 11th Airmobile Brigade came under German command in 2014. Then on March 17, the 43rd Mechanized Brigade officially became part of the German 1st Armored Division. The Dutch Army now has only the 13th Mechanized Brigade, plus special forces, support and headquarters staff under its own command. 這不僅對荷蘭而言是革命性變更,對歐洲及世界亦然,其替一支德國領導的新軍隊舖平 了道路。 This is a revolutionary change, not just for the Netherlands, but for Europe and, in time, the world. It is paving the way for a newly capable German-led military force. 多國部隊組建的過程中,已有太多門面功夫能夠輕易掩飾已發生之事,但荷蘭與德國並 不只是進行訓練演習。荷蘭皇家陸軍司令馬特·德·克魯伊夫中將便稱這次合作「舉世 獨特,在方法上如此,在我們整併的層級上也如此」。 There have been so many token efforts at forming multinational forces that it is easy to gloss over what has just happened. But the Dutch aren’t just doing training maneuvers with Germany. Lt. Gen. Mart de Kruif, commander of the Royal Netherlands Army, called the collaboration “unique in the world, both in the way and the level in which we integrate.” 他所言甚是。其他多國部隊的規模都小了許多。德荷1軍或許是最高階的軍事合作之一 ,但其編員僅有400人,包括文職人員。兵力5千人的法德旅自1987年起即已存在,但 其每次參戰時,都會分拆到其所屬國家的陸軍內──2014年時,該旅的部份部隊終於 一起部署到馬利去。 He’s right. Other multinational forces are on a much smaller scale. The German-Dutch Corps is probably one of the most advanced military collaborations, but it is only 400 strong, including civilian personnel. The 5,000-strong Franco-German brigade has existed since 1987. But every time it has gone to war, it has been divided into its separate, national armies— parts of the brigade were finally deployed together to Mali in 2014. 但荷蘭這次卻是將其快速反應部隊和唯一的坦克部隊派到德國。 But this time, the Netherlands is committing its fast-response forces and its only tank unit to Germany. 兩國還把夥伴關係擴大到海上。德國與荷蘭將會共用荷蘭海軍最大、造價最貴的卡雷 爾·多爾曼艦,該艦的設計目的包含了多種角色,但最重要的一項在於運送陸上部隊 。其可載運重型裝備、有空間可供直升機停放。專司海軍護衛、除雷和登艦,隊員達 800名的德國海軍營(註:陸戰營)將會併入荷蘭海軍之下。兩國還對於將德軍一支防 空隊併入荷軍單位下的方案進行調查。 The two nations are also extending this partnership to the sea. Germany and the Netherlands will share the Dutch Navy’s largest and most expensive ship, the Karel Doorman. The ship is designed to play a few roles, but most importantly, it can transport and land troops. It can land heavy equipment and has space for helicopters. The German sea battalion—about 800 soldiers specializing in naval protection, mine-clearance and boarding ships—will be absorbed into the Dutch Navy. And the two countries are examining having a German air defense unit join a Dutch unit. 這些協定幫助德國快速擴展軍隊戰力,而荷蘭則精簡了成本。直到最近為止,德軍原本 設計目的僅有一個──防止俄羅斯入侵中歐,但不包括對於多處灘頭的攻擊,因此德軍 實質上沒有任何兩棲登陸能力。既然德國陸軍現在正考慮橫跨地中海執行勤務,其便亟 需此類能力。 These deals help Germany quickly expand the capability of its military, while the Dutch cut costs. Until recently, the German military was designed with one purpose—to prevent Russia from invading central Europe. That doesn’t involve storming many beaches, so Germany didn’t have any real amphibious landing capability. Now that the German Army is considering military missions across the Mediterranean, it needs this kind of capability quickly. 與此同時,卡雷爾·多爾曼艦則由於過度昂貴,使荷蘭無法加以善用。因此德國幫助荷 蘭付錢,而迅速地顯著擴張了德國的兩棲登陸能力。 Meanwhile the Karel Doorman was so expensive that the Dutch haven’t been able to use it properly. So the Germans help the Dutch pay for it, and the Germans get an instant and dramatic expansion of their amphibious landing capabilities. 由荷方觀點來看,這種金錢限制成了每場德荷合作背後的原因。其軍費已從經濟產值的 2.5%降到1.2%。2011年時的荷蘭陸軍汰除了麾下所有的坦克,在那之後,該國決定仍要 擁有坦克,但又不想花錢去養。因此荷蘭的決策是:讓德國指揮荷軍的坦克營,總比沒 有配坦克還好。 From the Dutch point of view, this kind of money constraint has been the reason behind all their cooperation with Germany. Their military spending has fallen from around 2.5 percent of their economic output to 1.2 percent. Back in 2011, the Dutch Army phased out all its tanks. Since then, they’ve decided they still need tanks, but they don’t want to pay for them. So the Dutch have decided that having their tank battalion commanded by Germany is better than having no tanks at all. 由於德軍海軍營歸給荷蘭指揮,因此這場合作朝雙向都進行了一定程度──雖然德國已 確定是較大的一方。縱使如此,荷軍轄下的德軍部隊若是未獲德國國會批准,就將無法 實施部署。德國憲法法庭裁決稱,德軍只有在聯邦國會准許後才可調遣,駐在外軍當中 的德軍部隊同樣適用。 The German Sea Battalion is under Dutch command, so this cooperation goes both ways to a certain extent—though it is clear Germany is the senior partner. Even so, the German troops commanded by the Netherlands will be unable to deploy without the approval of the German parliament. Germany’s constitutional court has ruled that the German military can only be deployed with the permission of the Bundestag. This applies to German units stationed in other forces. 德國《薩克森日報》寫道:「先前的每場合作中,均同意將部隊行動繼續交由國家機構 和程序的檢查來管制」「例如,德國海軍的海軍營只有在聯邦國會批准之後,才能加入 荷蘭海軍的部署行動」(費城號角報全文翻譯) “In all previous collaborations was agreed that troops operations continue to be subject to checks by the national institutions and procedures,” wrote Sachsische Zeitung. “The Sea Battalion of the German Navy could thus be involved, for example, only after approval of the Bundestag on a foreign deployment of the Dutch Navy” (Trumpet translation throughout). 德國僅將這場前所未有的合作視為開端而已,其也開始準備與波蘭建立類似協議。捷克 共和國已數次要求德方進行與現在荷蘭類似的協議──該國也想要將其一支裝甲旅併到 德國陸軍裡面。 Germany sees this unprecedented cooperation as only the start. It has begun preparations for similar arrangements with Poland. The Czech Republic has asked Germany several times for a similar arrangement to what the Dutch now have—it also wants one of its armored brigades absorbed into the German Army. 德國國防部長烏蘇拉·馮德萊恩表示她想要藉此方式建立一支歐洲軍。2月時她曾宣布 「我們將在明年組建一個多國裝甲師」。 German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said she wants to build a European army this way. In February she announced, “We will set up a multinational panzer division next year.” 德國《世界報》稱「這將會建立一支現役人員超過2萬之眾的部隊,在2021年將可投入行 動──其將成為歐洲軍的核心」。 “This should create a unit with up to 20,000 active soldiers, which should be operational by 2021—which would be the nucleus of a European army,” wrote Die Welt. 馮德萊恩部長在2月時稱他們的合作為「建立歐洲防務聯盟的首要典範」。戴特·瓦內克 中將(註:德國陸軍總監)則在演講上將荷德軍事合夥列舉為一項在歐洲各軍間深化合 併的模範。 In February, von der Leyen called their cooperation a “prime example for the building of a European defense union.” Last month, Lt. Gen. Dieter Warnecke gave a speech where he held up the Dutch-German military partnership as a model for deeper integration among all European armies. 德國媒體也見到了此事。《世界報》即對該議題刊登了標題為「歐洲軍實驗室」的文章 ,此外尚有另一篇文章叫做「馮德萊恩正在推動歐洲軍」。 The German press sees this too. “Laboratory for an EU Army” was Die Welt’s title for an article on this subject. It had another article titled “How von der Leyen Is Driving the European Army.” 該報稱「馮德萊恩與亨尼斯-普拉斯哈特[荷蘭國防大臣]正在她們於阿姆斯特丹建立歐盟 軍的道路上扮演開拓者的角色」。 It wrote, “Von der Leyen and [Dutch Defense Minister Jeanine] Hennis-Plasschaert were playing the role of pioneers on their way to an EU army in Amsterdam.” 德國打從一開始,對歐洲軍作為雙邊合作終極目標的此一事實就不做守密。《號角報》 稱其可溯至2013年,德國國防機構在當時即以明確表達了該計畫。歐洲軍的建軍工作總 以失敗收場,因此德國採取了新方法,其將與數國構築深度軍事關係,最終則有更多國 加入合作,直到歐洲軍核心形成。 Right from the start, Germany made no secret of the fact that a European army is the ultimate goal of this bilateral cooperation. The Trumpet described this thinking back in 2013. Even back then, the plan had been clearly articulated by Germany’s defense establishment. Efforts to create a European army had consistently failed. So Germany was taking a new approach. It would form deep military relationships with just a few countries. Gradually more nations would be added to this cooperation, until the nucleus of a European army was formed. 本報表示「如果德國能證明其與荷蘭、波蘭的整合奏效──並能藉此省下大筆金錢── 那其他國家也會想要加入。一旦柏林將更多國家拉到陣線上,該計畫的規模也會變得很 大」「其結果將是一支歐洲軍,或是一個合作緊密、以德國為中心的軍事集團」。 “If Germany can prove that integration can work with the Netherlands and Poland—and they can save a lot of money doing so—other nations will want in. Once Berlin brings a few more countries on line, this project will gain critical mass,” we wrote. “The result would be an EU army, or a very closely coordinated group of armies, centered on Germany.” 該過程伴隨著德國正在籌畫的多國裝甲師,以良好狀態進行當中。 With Germany planning a multinational panzer division, this process is well under way. 其大幅述說了德國在歐立場,稱該國──而非法、義或任何歐陸國家──將會是這次歐 洲軍推動過程的中心。更重要的是,它亦大幅說明了德國的雄心。 It says a lot about Germany’s position in Europe that it—not France, Italy or any of the Continent’s other powers—is at the center of this push for a European army. More importantly, it says a lot about Germany’s ambitions. 德國的經濟主導地位表示,任何種類的歐洲軍都將由德國主宰。喬治.弗列德曼(註: 地緣政治學家)撰文鼓吹德法攜手進行防務合作時,寫道: Germany’s economic dominance means that just about any kind of European army will be dominated by Germany. Writing on France’s calls for Germany and France to work together on defense, George Friedman wrote: 依國防預算進行合作、各國以其經濟規模付出貢獻,將意味著德國同時會是歐洲領頭的 經濟和軍事強權。德國在歐盟各國間拔得頭籌,大規模軍事部隊的創建將會讓這點更加 確定」。 Collaborating on defense budgets, with each nation contributing based on economic size, would mean that Germany would be both the leading economic and military power in Europe. Within the EU, Germany is first among equals. Creating a substantial military force would cement that. 一個堪足派出強大軍隊、獨立於美國之外的崛起歐洲將會成為21世紀至今最大的地緣政 治事件,使全球權力平衡發生革命性改變。歐洲已對外展示,其願意使用可觀的經濟力 量來抗衡美國利益──例如在亞投行一案中與中國並肩對抗美方。而有了強大軍力後, 歐洲行事的獨立程度還會再增加多少? The rise of a Europe capable of fielding a powerful military force, independent from the United States, would be one of the biggest geopolitical events of the 21st century so far, revolutionizing the balance of power around the world. Europe has already shown that it’s willing to use its considerable economic power against U.S. interests—siding with China against the U.S., for example, in the case of the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank. How much more independently would it behave with a powerful military?


